Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chapter 39, teasers

“Bella!” Ang shouted to me from the living room. She must have just gotten home. I was vegging out in my room bare-footed, wearing a soft pair of yoga pants and a tank top, trying to read through the most boring book ever written, Classroom Management for the 21st Century. My hair was piled on my head, being held up by two pins, a pen and a precariously perched highlighter.

Grateful for the break, I called out, “Be right there.”

Tossing the book aside and rubbing my eyes, I got up and went into the living room, where Angela was sitting on the edge of the sofa with…


Sunday, August 22, 2010

THTF, Chapter 38 pictures

Bella's New Years Eve outfit

Rob in leather.  Take your pick. :)

Chapter 38, teaser


“I let the mistletoe in the bathroom go, but this…?” He pointed to a sprig of the parasitic plant that was tacked over my bed.

“Angela!” I growled under my breath. I looked at Edward. He was looking at me with an amused expression on his face, patiently waiting my explanation.

“It was Angela. I was teasing her about her mistletoe fetish earlier today…I’m sure she thought this was funny.”

“It is.”

“Mortifying is more like it,” I replied.

“Look at that blush,” Edward commented, making me flush even harder. He approached me slowly. “My understanding,” he said quietly, tucking my hair behind my ear, “is that blushing is a sign of guilt, not innocence. What are you thinking, Ms. Swan?”

The question seemed rhetorical as he lowered his face towards mine.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hey folks --

The Bargain was removed from ffnet for TOS violations. My posting privileges have been suspended “for a few days” according to the email I received from the ffnet admin bot. My family and I are going on vacation this week. I will think about what I’m going to do with The Bargain and post my plans with my next THTF update.

Sadly, the THTF update is being delayed by my suspended privileges. I will get it posted as soon as possible after my vacation.

Both The Bargain and The Harder they Fall have threads on Twilighted which I visit regularly:

The Harder they Fall: www.twilighted.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=7258&st=0&sk=t&sd=a

The Bargain: www.twilighted.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=10352&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=the+bargain

Ironic Twist

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Bargain, chapter 12, teaser

Bella directed Attila towards the path that would lead her to the docks, where a large ship from the colonies had docked earlier in the day. She encouraged the beast to stretch out and allowed the flying wind to take with it her frustrations.

In short order she was once again the unruffled mistress of the island. She slowed as she entered the village. Locals and visitors alike stopped in their labors to watch the beautiful lady make her way down the road. Finding the attention not unpleasant, Bella nodded greetings. As she approached the spot where the grand ship was berthed, Bella found her father’s carriage. Tossing the reins to the driver she asked him where her father was.

“Aboard the ship, madam. Talking with the captain, I believe.”

Bella thanked the driver and began to dismount, only to become aware of a nearby scuffle. A small crowd of sailors jostled for the chance to help her down from the horse’s back.